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The House System

Abbey Park House System

At Abbey Park School all staff and students take the sense of community further than just year groups, tutor groups and classes. Everyone within the school is part of an individual team and allocated to one of the four Houses; Austen, Churchill, Ennis and Newton.

Each of the Houses are led by an enthusiastic member of staff to support and lead each to full their potential to be the best they can be; Mr Bates (Austen), Mr Philpott (Churchill), Mrs Humphrey (Ennis) and ???? (Newton).

The Heads of House work closely together to create a variety of activities for pupils to raise money, ‘compete’ against one another and earn Reward points. The schools Behaviour for Learning policy directly impacts everyone, negative and positive points are allocated to the students and impacts the House overall standings. Each House is awarded overall points against one another on attendance, behaviour, house competitions and sports competitions. Pupils can be selected to become part of the School House Council and when they reach Year 11 apply to become a Head Boy or Girl.

Throughout the year the House system prove the pupils many opportunities to take part in competitions and events to raise money for Children in Need, Sports Relief, Red Nose Day, Race for Life and many more. Another popular house event for the year is the Abbey Park Talent Show and this gives pupils the chance to demonstrate their talents from singing, dancing, pianist, comics and bands. Once a term there is a House Assembly for Heads of House to celebrate the achievements of the pupils.